Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Xmas Everyone!!!!!!!

Its XmAs Eve!!!! Just Went to my cousins place,
I have a whoppppppppping 12 cousins from my mum's side! And im the oldest! (except my sister)
Hmmm I shall attempt to list them down

Charissa 17
Paul 16
Saul 14?
From the Crosby family

Hector 16
Agacia 14??
Aderick ?????
From aunt helen's

Andrea 8 ?
Adebel 3????
From aunt and uncle As (alice n andy)

Joel 12? 11?
From Hong yi & uncle Sunny's

Sheryl 12??
From Eng yi

Yao Qing 4 ????
From Peng yi

Ethan 2?
From Gek yi & uncle alan

12 whopping cousins i seriously cant remember/never knew how old some of them are!
Some cousins are hell cute!
My cutest ones being Ethan, Adebel and Andrea
Shall snap their bouncy chirpy pics and post them up the next time!

My 16 and 17 yr old cousins are attached!! Bleah makes me look stupid for being single LoL
Oh yea not forgetting my section mates stuck at camp right now!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Slack slack slack

Slacked quite abit recently, life is good when u dun have to go to camp.
Last Wednesday off due to tuesday 24 hrs mounting...
Mounting sucks, lack of sleep + aircon too cold + low morale = Flu and fever
Had running nose for 24 hours straight.
Of course i didnt let down my parents and myself.
I immediately called for a 2 days MC
Yay im on leave this monday and tuesday too!
I watched Eragon. The action was disappointing. Fighting scenes were lousy. Nuff said.

Anyway this is what im watching now. Its an anime called fate stay night. For those who like watching magicians summoning legendary heros that weild the sword, the bow, the lance, the big cleaver, the katana and other heroes fight each other.. this will appeal to u.
However its not just about fighting, its a love story between a magician that summoned a female swordsmen to protect himself but end up falling in love with her and not wanting her get hurt.

This the coolest fighting scene!

I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body and fire is my blood

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Idea of hot

Can you be more mushy than that?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Truth

The army...
Consisting of blood boiling soldiers with raging hormones...passion for the defence of the nation...
Love for their country...Fight for their land...No guts no glory...

Perfect scenario... but the above line is just a illusion that has been created by the same people who created the army...
Of course the intentions of the army was good...Preparing for a war that most likely would never happen.
Everything just a show of force.
Perhaps everything...just a show.

For NSFs... if given a choice who would rather pause 2 years of their lives for a clause that doesnt exist. A show for the world to see that no crew wishes to cast.
For Regulars...Bullshit on those who serve with mindsets of protecting the nation. They serve for their own clause...the money and what u used to call... an iron ricebowl...

A regular once quoted "You all are just serving 2 years over here...after that u can fck off and do whatever you wanted to do...but can u all spare a thought for ME (when u make mistakes) ? ...
This is my RICEBOWL...i cant afford any mistakes from you."

Note the Emphasis on the word ME, its their own selfish desire, the game of rank and power...a play of politics just like any other office organisation.
A game of chess...where NSFs with low ranking become pawns for the Regulars with superior ranks.
Pawns always sacrificed unhestitantly so that the corrupted officials could gain for their personal benefits.
Nobody cares for the welfare of the men...As long as their own(superior's) can be satisfied.

The bottomline is that nobody understands...a voice of a soldier...a cry that's left unheard...
The pain thats left unseen...
The way we were being marketed...Honorable and Glorious...The organisation being almightly upright and caring...The way our roles, our characters were scripted, potrayed and shown...just a cover up for the darkness that lurks inside.

Perhaps...its not that nobody understands...
Nobody cares to give a damn. After all we're but pawns 2 years, afterwhich of no value to the knights, bishops and rooks for the king and the queen of the game.

Italian proverb: "Once the game is over...the King and the pawn...will all return to the same box."

Editors note: I dont hate the country or the army... its just a see something that was created to benefit and protect the nation...becoming just a quest for personal glory and achievement. Where has the sincerity and passion gone?
The wayang bastards...they think its the show acting forces? go hone your acting skills elsewhere sly villians!