Sunday, January 21, 2007


Seems like im always having fever, maybe my immune system is weak.
3rd day of fever now, doesnt seem to be recovering at all.
Fever = MC, at least something good. lol

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Rich people never have to worry eh?
Not about school fees, pocket money, career, girlfriends cars and all

When ORD draws closer (not too close though)
I suddenly come to think, what the hell am i gonna do after ORD?
Just work earning like 1700 a month?
1700 is barely survivable in times of the present.
$$$$ starts to be a worry
Age starts to be a worry
Freaking NS has disrupted my plans for study.
22 this year and not even in the Uni.
Ladies at 22 have already graduated eh?!

Could Disrupt my NS and enrol in the 07 Aug batch
But entering school without Income, Suicide eh??
Teaching tuition is no way man. seriously dun remember anything i learnt in the school now.
Work part time? its like UNI is in the Westside? way outta point from where i live.
how am i paying the school fees and hostel?
Yeaa ur parents probably would and could. mine maybe not.
Its like no $$$$$ erh
If i work for a year and enter uni at 23,
Aint i an old freak in the lecture theatre? LoL

Aging sure has its own worries. Have u? or are u born blessed with wealth?


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

07 regards

07 Finally, another checkpoint of my NS life marked off the map.
I love checkpoints, they make everything seem shorter...just have to look forward to the upcoming checkpoint and bling! there already.
Seems like my ORD date has been brought forward by a great amount of 2 whole Days!!! which is 48blessed and defying hours!!! Hhaha thats due to the fact that 9 september is a SUNDAY.

My life has been defiled by this corrupted thing also known as NS liability. Im like oooohhh since when i owe the country? my mum pays for everything i used didnt she? maybe my dad. Since when did i get anything FREEEEEEEEE from this country?? and suddenly i owe 2 years of my life to em eh? Luckily rite now im only "owing" a 7 working months of debt.

Anyway 07 should be great. Time to vindicate myself, pay me back some liberty!
BMT was great actually, so was SOP (MP training institute). they all somehow made me fitter, and friends there were selfless and helpful, cos we all just NSFs with equal liabilities.
Come to this new base (which i shant mention where incase i get charged for speaking ill about this place which they(the generously paid regulars) think is great) everyone for themselves. Seniors wanna slack and give the juniors some extra work, juniors wanna slack, nobody wants to work, the regulars mostly are not productive but get promoted bcos they have served the required amount of time.
Nobody cares about the 7 hours of sleep youre not getting
Nobody cares about the days u have to come during public holidays
Nobody cares whether u're sick or not, and if ure sick u have to ask permission from a cold heartless regular who shows u attitude when u say ure sick.
Nobody cares if the rations we eat are fit for consumption.
Nobody cares if u do the same training everyweek or if u have to stay in camp without prior notice

But life isnt so bad. Cos its not all about camp. I think of myself as parttime soldier, FULL time civilian.
I saw my SOP(MP) friends who came for a parade. They still look fit and tanned.
I shoulda still look like them. Just that for no apparent reason, somebody hates the no. 369 and me being bed 9 got abandoned into a thrashy dumpy camp.
Abandoned so long, that i abandoned myself without knowing!
I Cant run anymore. Im like a breathless dog!!
And im lazy, and my character has been corrupted by this dark place!
Me full of hatred and wrath! ahahaha

Kk so the bottomline is 2007, its time to change
I lost myself, now its time to find the OLD ME BACK.
Time to keep fit again.
Time to become a better character
Time to forgive and remove grudges
Time to smile and help everyone
Time not to be selfish
Time to get rid of bad habits
Time to think that the world is not about beautiful girls
Before I ORD i must become a better man for the REAL outside life!

I heard a phase somewhere online
it says
"work like a worm in the army, but with essence of a dragon in life"
I translated it myself
It was actually
"dang bing yi diao chong, zhuo gong yi diao long"
Army a worm, working life a dragon